Posted by: ALTEN Global Systems Team | 13 June, 2024
Embedded systems for safety critical applications often
integrate multiple functions and must generally be fault
tolerant. In hard real-time applications, it must be
guaranteed by design that all real-time transactions will
produce the correct result and meet their deadlines.
These requirements lead to a need for mechanisms and
services that provide protection against fault propagation
and ease the construction of distributed fault tolerant
applications. A key feature of an avionics RTOS is its ability
to meet tight processing deadlines. An application
program controlling the release of a weapon may require
an action from the operating system in less than onethousandth of a second. The avionics computer resource
is an embedded generic computing platform that is able
to host multiple applications with different levels of
criticality. Safety- critical applications such as flight
control, cockpit display, navigation, radar control etc., run
on an avionics computer resource. These applications
need strong assurance from the operating system that
their hard real-time requirements are met. More
importantly, they require the assurance that in the
presence of faults, a fault in one application should not
propagate to the others...Read More